Partnership with Schools

Rohini Ghadiok Foundation (RGF) implements "Bridging the Gap" program by partnering with schools and sharing their infrastructure to provide support to EWS students, after their normal school hours. Teaching is conducted by a core group of volunteers who were trained by 'Teach for India' fellows.


Our partner schools say improved performance and inclusiveness of EWS students are the most important benefits of setting up partnership with RGF. Mentioned below are some of the evident benefits of implementing 'Bridging the Gap' program.

To Build Self-awareness and Self-esteem Among Children

The EWS students are thrust into an environment totally alien to their background and social status; this in turn leads to their poor performance, disruptive behaviour patterns, high incidence of dropouts and overall poor school performance. RGF provides for a trained counsellor to interact with the children and their parents, as required.

Comprehensive Curriculum Design (CCD)

All the students in our program have been identified by the school based on their poor academic performance and are at the bottom of the bottom pyramid in their classes. The curriculum is designed such that each child gets the maximum benefit. The program consists of short-term goals (improvements in bi-annual English school testing) in conjunction with long-term focus on social development, emotional awareness, and improvement in academic confidence and performance.

Disciplinary Issues

With children coming from diverse backgrounds, disciplinary issues arise which hampers their learning and progress. Under Bridging the Gap, we help support our students with the various life skills which help them in understanding acceptable social behaviour and norms.